Ramina Tara Badal Scholarship


Our Values



We work with local charities with a community focus to emphasize the importance of a unified voice and accomplish common goals



We pledge to provide aid to out community, from basic needs to those aspiring to achieve their goals of continuing their education



We believe in a compassionate response to our community’s needs and serve these needs with love


About Ramina Badal

Ramina was a compassionate and caring soul from a very young age. Our earliest memory of her character was when she tried out for her elementary school choir which toured San Francisco community care centers to provide accessible musical experiences. When her shyness got in the way of her try-out, she didn’t make the cut. In order to join the choir, Ramina wrote a letter to the choir conductor expressing her aspiration to make a difference in other people’s lives. In turn, the choir conductor asked Ramina to join and this action encouraged her to never let anything get in the way of helping others.

Ramina’s compassion was also apparent in her love for making others feel confident. Whether it be by taking photos for others and making them feel good about themselves or by growing out her hair to donate it to organisations that provide wigs for less fortunate children, Ramina made it her goal to help give people the self-esteem and confidence needed to achieve their aspirations. Her kindness extended to all ages because Ramina truly cherished her friendships and many people still remember her actions to this day. She never wanted to be the center of attention, but was loved and respected by all who knew her. 

In Ramina’s short 21 years she graciously filled our hearts with her accomplishments. She never held back sharing her beautiful hair, musical talents or acts of service for those she knew and those who came to know her story. Her love for her cultural background, beautiful smile and way of persisting above all odds to help others is how we remember her today.


About the Scholarship

In July 2011, our daughter Ramina, extended her hand not knowing it was her last attempt to help a friend in need. Ramina was our beautiful, caring and kind person who made a positive and lasting impression on all who knew her. Her final act of love resulted in the loss of a life just beginning to blossom. To find meaning and purpose after we lost our daughter, we came to create Ramina’s Memorial Corporation. Through the pain of her loss we continue her final act of love by reaching out to offer a helping hand in her memory. 

Ramina’s Memorial Corporation is a non-profit organization that works in conjunction with other local charities to provide a helping hand to those in need. Roughly 71% of students seek federal aid to afford higher education. Ramina was one such student excited to complete her nursing degree and on that account our organisation believes that everyone deserves an education. Ramina’s Memorial Corporation sets out to distribute annual scholarships to exceptional students in need.

 Since 2011, our organisation has focused on charity and compassion by delivering aid to members of our local community. Ramina’s Memorial Corporation also holds events to raise money for their annual Ramina Tara Badal Memorial Scholarship. Our firm organisational values of Community, Charity and Compassion mirror Ramina’s characteristics of which we hope to embody in her memory. 

With your generosity and support Ramina’s Memorial Corporation will continue to keep Ramina’s memory alive by supporting those in need, an act that was always so dear to her.


Applications open January 8th!

Read more by clicking the link above